Mentoring with a Mission

Every neurodiverse child has the innate tools to thrive.

  • We are a structured peer mentorship program for ages 12-18.

  • Many neurodiverse teens lack agency due to years of therapy and being told what milestones to achieve.

  • With the transformative power of peer influence, our mentors empower mentees to reclaim agency and pave their unique paths.

  • No matter what their challenges, we build their resilience, insight, and motivation to achieve their dreams.

How are we different?

Mentees relate and are motivated through connection with our peer college mentors.

We *listen* to your teen’s goals, in their own voice.

We have a two-way partnership with you, the parent, and actively address barriers weekly. 

Our mentors are trained in the GRIT Method and coach your teen step-by-step through questions like, “How do I do my laundry?” or “I have a project due next week, what do I do?” or “How do I make friends?” 

Mentees take planned actions to improve social, emotional, and executive functioning skills and progress on skills weekly.

Mentoring is virtual for maximal flexibility

This is not intended to be therapy.